CDGI - 3rd Year - Computer Graphics & multimedia - (CGMM)
Syllabus UNIT 1: Introduction to Raster Scan displays Introduction to Raster Scan displays, Pixels, Frame buffer, Vector & Character generation, Random Scan systems, Display devices, Scan Conversion techniques, Line Drawing: simple DDA, Bresenham’s Algorithm, Circle Drawing Algorithms: Midpoint Circle drawing and Bresenham’s Algorithm, Polygon fill algorithm: Boundary-fill and Flood-fill algorithms UNIT 2: 2-D Transformation 2-D Transformation: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Shearing, Reflection. Inverse Transformation, Homogenous coordinate system, Matrices Transformation, Composite Transformation. Windowing & Clipping: World Coordinate System, Screen Coordinate System, Viewing Transformation, Line Clipping & Polygon Clipping Algorithms. UNIT 3: 3-D Transformations 3-D Transformations: Translation, Rotation and Scaling. Parallel & Perspective Projection: Types of Parallel & Perspective Projection, Hidden Surface elimination: Depth comparison, Back face d